Moses, Hallucinogens, and the Ten Commandments: Biblical Entheogens

Biblical Entheogens: Speculative Hypothesis

Paper originally published in:

Time and Mind:
The Journal of Archaeology Consciousness and Culture
Volume I—Issue I, March 2008, pp. 51–74

Biblical Entheogens: Speculative Hypothesis- Original Paper

Benny Shanon is Professor of psychology at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem (Israel). His main foci of research are the phenomenology of human consciousness and the philosophy of psychology. His publications include The representational and the Presentational (1993) and The Antipodes of the Mind (2002). At present, he is working on book devoted to a general psychological theory of human consciousness.

Moses and Hallucinogens

The worldwide media interest in Benny Shanon’s paper about Moses and entheogens, is encouraging us to take a good and hard look at the roots of religions and the notion that they were based on fertility cults, and shamanic practices such as Entheogens (or hallucinogenic) plants as a source of spiritual communion with the universal consciousness, or the mind of God.Article by Howard G. Charing, co-author of the best-selling book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’ published by Destiny Books (USA), and ‘The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo’ Inner Traditions (USA)

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