Archive for shipibo

The Sublime Sounds of the Rainforest

‘Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream” Sounds of the Rainforest: The Amazon Rainforest when the sun sets;  the jungle becomes alive with a rich tapestry of sounds. If you listen carefully you can hear in the background Ayahuasca Icaros being chanted by Shipibo Shaman…

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Ayahuasca Icaros of the Shipibo

Ícaro: The word ícaro comes from the Quechua word icarai, meaning “to blow.” Ícaros are magical chants that are sung or whistled by shamans during Ayahuasca ceremonies. There are several kinds of ícaros. At the beginning of a ceremony their purpose is to provoke the…

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Medicinal and Shamanic Plants of the Amazon – my Photo Gallery on Flickr

Medicinal and Shamanic Plants of Peru, a set on Flickr. I’ve been adding more photos from the archives.

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Various Artists | Shamans of Peru | Downloadable on the Web

Various Artists | Shamans of Peru | CD Baby. The haunting, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded at ceremonies in the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The chants and icaros have an organic relationship to the medicine plants, and are primarily intended as…

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Shamans of Peru – Photo Gallery

Shamans of Peru, a set on Flickr. A Photo Gallery of some of the Peruvian Shamans that we have worked with over the years.

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Interviews with Shipibo Ayahuasca Shamans – Part 1

[slideshare id=11559238&doc=shipibo-ayahuasca-shamans-120214033626-phpapp02&type=d] Interviews with three Shipibo Shamans, Benjamin Ochavano, Leoncio Garcia, and Enrique Lopez by Howard G Charing and Peter Cloudsley

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Shipibo-Conibo Art Exhibition – ‘Una Ventana Hacia El Infinito’ at the ICPNA, Lima Peru in 2002

[scribd id=80927017 key=key-ygah4x7w6iwggjx2rid mode=list] Shipibo-Conibo Art Exhibition Catalogue – ‘Una Ventana Hacia El Infinito’ at the ICPNA, Lima Peru in 2002. To see photo my photo gallery of Shipibo art on Flickr;

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Shipibo Ayahuasca Shamans – Interviews

[scribd id=46544001 key=key-1v1g4omqgamkbbk55xrk mode=list]

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Ayahuasca Shaman, and Mystic – Alonso del Rio

Alonso del Rio is a powerful maestro who interweaves Shipibo and other icaros with sacred music of his own to lead you on your journey; he is both a talented musician and an inspiring communicator of the Amazonian shamanic world. He first came into contact…

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Ayahuasca: The Visual Music of the Shipibo

Underlying the intricate geometric patterns of great complexity displayed in the art of the Shipibo people is a concept of an all pervading magical reality which can challenge the Western linguistic heritage and rational mind. [scribd id=46541840 key=key-2gcrwoptb0wdf0urn8n5 mode=list]

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