Tag archive for chicago

Galleries of American Art – Art Institute Chicago

[scribd id=82537243 key=key-1oypnfw5wbz849lm5op2 mode=list] Catalogue of the Art Institute Chicago – ‘Galleries of American Art’ featuring one of the most iconic paintings of the 20th Century; American Gothic by Grant Wood. American Gothic is also one of the most parodied paintings ever along with Leonardo…

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Latin American Artists at the Art Institute Chicago

[scribd id=82451126 key=key-1iemohd8hw37qt6c3hfo mode=list]   Latin American Artists in the Art Institute Chicago – Guide 2010. Featuring the art of Matta (Chile), Wilfredo Lam (Cuba), Felix Gonzalez-Torres Cuba), Diego Rivera (Mexico), Jose Clemente Orozco (Mexico), Rufino Tamayo (Mexico)  

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