Tag archive for medicinal plants

Pablo Amaringo’s Foreword to the book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’Pablo Amaringo’s Foreword to the book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’

“My most sublime desire, though, is that every human being should begin to put as much attention as he or she can into the knowledge of plants, because they are the greatest healers of all. And all human beings should also put effort into the…

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Plant Spirit Shamanism: Paracelsus and the Doctrine of Signatures

Underlying Paracelsus treatise was the premise that nature was itself a living organism which must be considered an expression of “the One Life”, and that man and the universe are the same in their essential nature. Paracelsus introduced in his treatise the Doctrine of Signatures,…

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Shipibo Shaman Benjamin Ochavano Interview

[scribd id=80916321 key=key-te3r41t069yfl1foozl mode=list] Benjamin Ochavano Is a traditional Shipibo Muraya .He is in his late eighties, and his chants (icaros) sung in the Shipibo language are extraordinary beautiful and with a powerful and extensive vocal range. Note: This interview was with Peter Cloudsley and…

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Plant Spirit Shamanism – Preview

http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/70492455?access_key=key-1c8pxmxe7m7dkmjq3jre Inner Traditions have posted a preview copy of the book on Scribd. It’s also available now as an ebook. Pablo Amaringo wrote an inspirational foreword to the book, a link to that is here; [scribd id=46540834 key=key-2euj5kz5fgzgbv9fdhg5 mode=list] [scribd id=46540834 key=key-1c8pxmxe7m7dkmjq3jre mode=list]

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Ayahuasca Shipibo Shaman – Medicinal Plants of the Amazon Part 1

Ayahuasca Shipibo Shaman, Enrique Lopez talks with our group about Amazonian shamanism, medicinal, and the spiritual properties of plants. Video taken at Eagle’s Wing Ayahuasca Retreat at Mishana in Peru, March 2008 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzzX5f0n87U] Click for details about our Ayahuasca and Yoga Retreats in Peru

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