Shaman Spiritul Plantelor – Caile Stravechi de Vindecare a Sufletului | Howard G Charing intervievat de Horia Turcanu [scribd id=226709900 key=key-3cu7t2VKf7lucltKfv3f mode=scroll]
Shaman Spiritul Plantelor – Caile Stravechi de Vindecare a Sufletului | Howard G Charing intervievat de Horia Turcanu [scribd id=226709900 key=key-3cu7t2VKf7lucltKfv3f mode=scroll]
Noi oamenii avem o relatie speciala cu plantele si depindem de plante. Inca de la inceputurile noastre , acestea au fost sursa-atat directa, cat si indirecta- a hranei noastre , a adapostului nostru , medicamentele noastre , combustibilul nostru , hainele noastre , si ,…
THE POWER OF VISIONARY ART – EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS Bucharest May 22nd 2014 7PM Hosted by Matei Georgescu – From the series: Spirituality Serving Education Spiru Haret University – Sociology-Psychology Department Presenter: Howard G Charing, co-author of ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’ and ‘The Ayahuasca Visions…
“There will come a time when a diseased condition will not be described as it is today by the physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one would speak of a piano that was out of tune.” Rudolf Steiner…
Nukño Machashka (Dulce Vision) by Pablo Amaringo Here you can see pure joy emanating from a chant below and the effect it has in other spiritual dimensions shown in the spheres above. When the spirits begin to chant, it is not only audible in…
HOWARD G. CHARING Tel: (40) 721 131960 April 2014 Newsletter INTRODUCTION Welcome to the third newsletter, and thanks for your feedback. I’ve been updating the blog section on the website regularly. Previous monthly newsletters will be added to the blog. 1. Plant…
Plant Medicine of the Amazon | Uña de gato (Cat’s Claw) Uña de gato (Cat’s Claw) is a large tropical woody vine indigenous to the Amazon Rainforest. The inner bark of the vine and the roots has been used in the Amazon for generations to…
Ayahuasca Icaros, Ceremonial Chants and Music CD | The Shamans of Peru Shamans of Peru – MP3 Download from the Web The beautiful, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded at ceremonies in the Andean mountains and the Amazon rainforest. The chants and icaros have…
Medicine for the Soul | Plant Spirit Medicine of the Amazon Article first published in Sacred Hoop Magazine Issue 41 2003. In the Amazonian tradition working with planta maestras (teacher plants) is known as the Diet. The working can be seen as a conscious body…
“My most sublime desire, though, is that every human being should begin to put as much attention as he or she can into the knowledge of plants, because they are the greatest healers of all. And all human beings should also put effort into the…