Tag archive for psychedelics

A Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic Plants

[scribd id=82775289 key=key-2nci99x84022j0n91tdc mode=list] A Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic Plants by Richard Evans Schultes & Elmer W. Smith Published in 1976,  this book has been out of print for many years. It is  beautifully illustrated with detailed botanical paintings and extremely  informative narratives. There is…

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Psychedelics and Creativity

[scribd id=81422788 key=key-g53zf373wualooxczvs mode=list] Psychedelics and Creativity – MAPS Volume X number 3 2000 MULTIDISCIPLINARY ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHEDELIC STUDIES A fascinating exploration and analysis of the beauty and importance of psychedelics and creativity, with interviews, reviews and art by; L.J Altvater Alex Grey Stevee Postman…

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