Tag archive for robert venosa

Ayahuasca Visions | Patiquina Samai by Pablo Amaringo

Patiquina Samai (The breath of the Patiquinas) by Pablo Amaringo   The patiquina (Dieffenbachia sp) is widely used in Peru in banos florales (floral baths) for counteracting brujeria and attracting positive energy. The four varieties of patiquina seen here are verde, blanco, negro and pintado…

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Ayahuasca Visions | Pagoda Dorada by Pablo Amaringo

Pagoda Dorada by Pablo Amaringo At the upper left of the picture is the huairamama (the Mother of the sky), who has dominion of the atmosphere. She moves like a whirlwind and creates storms; her rain fertilises the rainforest and makes the plants flourish. At…

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Ayahuasca Visions | Transformacion del Chamán en Aguila by Pablo Amaringo

 Transformacion del Chamán en Aguila  by Pablo Amaringo The transformation of the shaman into an Eagle.The shaman transforms himself into an eagle and flies away to bring back esoteric knowledge to his people. When a shaman transforms himself into kinetic energy and merges with the universe,…

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Ayahuasca Visions | A’tun Supay Lancha by Pablo Amaringo

A’tun Supay Lancha (Lancha Fantasma) by Pablo Amaringo The shamans in front sing the icaro of the lancha fantasma and strong visionary effects soon starts to take hold on them all. Hidden places in the earth open up and spirits arise from caves to celebrate the…

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Ayahuasca Visions | Unicornio Dorado by Pablo Amaringo

Unicornio Dorado (The Golden Unicorn) by Pablo Amaringo Here we can see two ceremonies, one on each side of the picture. The ceremony on the left is with indigenous and mestizo people (of mixed ancestry), and on the right there are highly educated, cultivated people,…

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Ayahuasca Visions | El Encanto de las Piedras by Pablo Amaringo

El Encanto de las Piedras by Pablo Amaringo In ancient times shamans and fortune tellers wore necklaces of precious stones, and the kings and priests of ancient Persia and Babylonia believed in their divinity.  The magnificent bejewelled sachamama (Mother of the forest) represents the mineral…

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Ayahuasca Visions | Huarmi Taquina (Icaro de la Mujer) by Pablo Amaringo

Huarmi Taquina | (Icaro de la Mujer) by Pablo Amaringo Huarmi taquina is the icaro for drawing in feminine creative energy into an ayahuasca ceremony. It is a very powerful icaro which connects us to Mother Earth, the Pachamama: the principle that brings new life to…

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Ayahuasca Visions | Soplo del Banco Puma by Pablo Amaringo

Soplo del Banco Puma  by Pablo Amaringo The banco puma is a master shaman who transforms himself into a puma to go hunting or to hide from an enemy. In the old days when people in the Ucayali region did not have fire arms to…

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Ayahuasca Visions: Concentración Palistica by Pablo Amaringo

Concentración Palistica by Pablo Amaringo Ayahuasqueros gain their knowledge from visions whereas paleros, who diet with the roots, barks and branches of certain trees, obtain their knowledge through dreams. The two trees you see in upper part of the painting guard the door through which he…

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Yana Huáman (Aguila Negra) by Pablo Amaringo

Yana Huáman by Pablo Amaringo Yana Huáman – Aguila Negra Yana huáman means ‘black eagle’ in Quechua, and refers to a powerful maestro. The black eagle has phenomenal eyesight and can distinguish small details from a great distance, thus a yana huáman possesses the gifts…

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