Tag archive for spirit

Dezvoltarea si Explorarea conexiunii cu Constiinta (sau Spiritul) plantelorDeveloping and Exploring your connection to the Consciousness (or Spirit) of Plants

Noi oamenii avem o relatie speciala cu plantele si depindem de plante. Inca de la inceputurile noastre , acestea au fost sursa-atat directa, cat si indirecta- a hranei noastre , a adapostului nostru , medicamentele noastre , combustibilul nostru , hainele noastre , si ,…

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Soul Retrieval – Healing and Shamanism

Soul Retrieval – Shamanism and Healing. The recapitulation of life force is the body of work, which restores or recapitulates lost life force. Soul Retrieval is one of the most well-known and effective practices to this end. To understand how recapitulation practices work, we need…

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Death as an Ally – The Shaman’s Perception of Death

In our society and culture, death is something dark, mysterious, and fearful. Ancient cultures did not regard death as an enemy, but dared to make it an ally. It is ultimately about daring to live fearlessly from the centre of one’s truth, to challenge and…

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