Tag archive for transnational institute

The History of Coca – The Divine Plant of the Incas

[scribd id=82732649 key=key-lymbfz9vyhmx2bkyiuc mode=list] This magnificent book by W. Golden Mortimer, published in 1901 and long out of print, has been digitized by Microsoft for the  University of California and now available in the Open Internet Archive. The book contains nearly 200 hundred illustrations.

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Coca Myths – a research paper by the Transnational Institute

[scribd id=81813295 key=key-jgb20m51bp64178ruux mode=list] A  very well researched and informative study from the Transnational Institute about the Coca (erythroxylum) plant.

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Lifting the ban on coca chewing – Bolivia’s proposal

[scribd id=81739611 key=key-cljsxvum4endf6abiar mode=list] As documented by the Transnational Institute: The 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – recently endorsed by the United States in December 2010 – states that “indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional…

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