Tag archive for Trichocereus Pachanoi

La Mesa Norteña – San Pedro the Cactus of Vision

La Mesa Norteña – San Pedro and the shamanic tradition of Northern Peru. A PDF File of an interview with San Pedro Maestro Juan Navarro. Interview by Howard G Charing and Peter Cloudsley. First published in Sacred Hoop Magazine 2004. Shamans from different cultures and…

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The Cactus of Vision – San Pedro and the Shamanic Tradition of northern Peru

[scribd id=46544076 key=key-19ufc5gmf8apo7wmnler mode=list] Article Reprint from Sacred Hoop Magazine: Summer 2004 Issue. This interview and photos also included in the book I co-authored ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism‘ published by Destiny Books. Shamans from different cultures and traditions have been using psychoactive plants since the dawn…

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