Tag archive for visionary art posters

Stone Circle Art PrintStone Circle Art Print

Individual painted stones on a wood block. This painting has been used as cover art on two book covers. http://www.scribd.com/doc/209568392/Stone-Circle-by-Howard-G-Charing Individual painted stones on a wood block. This painting has been used as cover art on two book covers. [scribd id=209568392 key=key-wr18xh7ixuywyews9co mode=scroll]

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Llullo Machaco by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Reproductions

[scribd id=78134311 key=key-1kp9a26auq8zbd1sgqdr mode=list] Llullo Machaco  Serpiente Verde Llullo means green, tender and young in Quechua. In the Peruvian selva people call babies llullos. The idea expressed in this picture is that however our life unfolds and whatever our destiny might be, we are all…

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Soplo del Banco Puma by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Prints & Art Cards

[scribd id=77242506 key=key-1ywqiximrp0ncbgcl856 mode=list] Soplo del Banco Puma The banco puma is a master shaman who transforms himself into a puma to go hunting or to hide from an enemy. In the old days when people in the Ucayali region did not have fire arms…

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Supai Pucabufeo by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Prints and Art Cards

[scribd id=77242515 key=key-1xgmu6bhtm2xpkiiypg1 mode=list] Supai Pucabufeo – The Magical Pink Dolphin This is the legendary pucabufeo or Amazonian dolphin which transforms itself into an attractive young man and seduces pretty young women with his charm. In the River Ucayali region these beings often make their…

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Encantu Rumi by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Prints

[scribd id=77008093 key=key-1vpdqvp6w189u0512sr0 mode=list] Encantu Rumi This stone is forged in space and brought down to earth when summoned by the sumiruna (the highest grade of shaman) for initiating his disciples in voyaging to other galaxies. The sumirunas below are learning how to receive spiritual…

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Ondas de la Ayahuasca by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Reproductions

[scribd id=77008104 key=key-h0y8fdo01knok2pq68q mode=list] Ondas de la Ayahuasca At the top of the picture the sun radiates brilliant waves. As the source of all life on earth, the sun represents the blessings of the divine celestial pattern, the ultimate source of all life in the…

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Ondas de la Ayahuasca by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Reproductions

[scribd id=76880465 key=key-ihc16q8rljhb16sk68x mode=list] Ondas de la Ayahuasca – Waves of Ayahuasca At the top of the picture the sun radiates brilliant waves. As the source of all life on earth, the sun represents the blessings of the divine celestial pattern, the ultimate source of…

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Transformacion del chaman en Aguila by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Reproductions

[scribd id=76880468 key=key-13i2xmb972s45uar5wrj mode=list] Transformacion del chaman en Aguila – The transformation of the shaman into an Eagle. The shaman transforms himself into an eagle and flies away to bring back esoteric knowledge to his people. When a shaman transforms himself into kinetic energy and…

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Amazónica Romantica by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Reproductions

[scribd id=76878697 key=key-2fkt52148lbs3sz70hxs mode=list] Amazónica Romantica This charming picture was one of Pablo’s final works, and it heralded an intended return to his earlier genre of painting the plants and landscapes of his beloved Amazon rainforest. The painting depicts a couple hand in hand experiencing…

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Yana Huáman by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Reproductions

[scribd id=76838495 key=key-1krmcu17iq8k2aelsyy4 mode=list] Yana Huáman – Aguila Negra Yana huáman means ‘black eagle’ in Quechua, and refers to a powerful maestro. The black eagle has phenomenal eyesight and can distinguish small details from a great distance, thus a yana huáman possesses the gifts of…

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