The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo – Encanto Rumi

This stone is forged in space and brought down to earth when summoned by the sumiruna (the highest grade of shaman) for initiating his disciples in voyaging to other galaxies. The sumirunas below are learning how to receive spiritual fire and how to withstand extreme conditions which they will experience on their lone voyages.

The eagle represents the sublime beauty of the stone, the jaguar its magnetic power and the bull its soul. Above you see the puya runas (cloud people) and the guacamayo runa: people with the head of a guacamayo and the body of a man.

Encanto Rumi  is featured in the book ‘The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo’  published by Inner Traditions 2011. Authors Howard G Charing and Peter Cloudsley.

Visit the website of the book for articles and interviews with Pablo Amaringo, also photo galleries and see the paintings with summary narratives.

To purchase high quality fine art reproductions of the paintings visit our store at;

The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo by Howard G Charing and Peter Cloudsley