Transformacion del chaman en Aguila by Pablo Amaringo – Fine Art Archival Reproductions

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Transformacion del chaman en AguilaThe transformation of the shaman into an Eagle.

The shaman transforms himself into an eagle and flies away to bring back esoteric knowledge to his people. When a shaman transforms himself into kinetic energy and merges with the universe, he can see the past, present and future as if it were all one eternal moment.

Above are two celestial guardians bearing swords. These guardians are known as tronos (thrones). They bestow the powers of transformation on the shaman who must master his fear. The soaring of the eagle represents the potential that we humans have to ascend to personal mastery and wisdom.

By Howard G Charing & Peter Cloudsley

The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo


Illustrating the evolution of his intricate and colorful art, this book contains 48 full-color reproductions of Amaringo’s latest works with detailed explorations of the rich Amazonian mythology underlying each painting. Through their longstanding relationship with Amaringo, coauthors Charing and Cloudsley are able to share the personal stories behind his visions and experiences with Amazonian people and folklore, capturing Amaringo’s powerful ecological and spiritual message through his art and words.

With contributions by Graham Hancock, Jeremy Narby, Robert Venosa, Dennis McKenna, Stephan Beyer, and Jan Kounen, this book brings the ayahuasca experience to life as we travel on Amaringo’s visionary brush and palette.

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