Ayahuasca Inspired Art: Howard G Charing November 2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 90cm x 70cm
Ayahuasca Inspired Art: Howard G Charing November 2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 90cm x 70cm
Yana Huáman by Pablo Amaringo Yana Huáman – Aguila Negra Yana huáman means ‘black eagle’ in Quechua, and refers to a powerful maestro. The black eagle has phenomenal eyesight and can distinguish small details from a great distance, thus a yana huáman possesses the gifts…
Interviewed by Jeffery Pritchett on examiner.com I have to admit it is an exciting pleasure to get to interview artists Alex and Allyson Grey. Delving into their new book Net of Being. Which is a wonderful book showcasing the legacy of wonderous art from Alex….
A Presentation in Bucharest April 2012 on Visionary Art by Howard G Charing , co-author of ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’ and ‘The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo’. [scribd id=111909659 key=key-1eyfvhoca30q8kv9x6sg mode=scroll]
On view from May 15 to October 21, 2012, the exhibition Histoires de voir: Show and Tell presents the works and narratives of over 40 painters, sculptors and filmmakers from around the world. They are Brazilian, Indian, Congolese, as well as Haitian, Mexican, Danish, Japanese…
Acrylic & Gouache on twin canvases. Started in Occidental (Sonoma County) California, finished in London.
An inventory of my collection of Shipibo Artisan work. I have been collecting for many years and there are some exemplary pieces in the collection. I’ve assembled an 80 page catalogue of their beautiful work. It is time to get these wonderful textiles and artisan…
[scribd id=83397874 key=key-1teozn5ce0w14ibt9uqc mode=list] Korean Art & Culture A fascinating publication from the Peabody Essex Museum, explores the Art and culture of Korea including Shamanism, and Buddhism. Also delves into the symbolism of the art – very interesting, very accessible, and contains very nice colour plates.
[slideshare id=11753687&doc=koreanshamanart-120226043818-phpapp02&type=d] The Newsletter of the Korean Art Society 2009 about the Traditional Shaman art of Korea. The newsletter is an outstanding resource of information containing detailed narratives on the depicted paintings. Robert Turley the President of the Society, writes in his introduction; “My reasons…