Archive for plant spirit shamanism

Shaman Spiritul Plantelor | Howard G Charing intervievat de Horia Turcanu

Shaman Spiritul Plantelor – Caile Stravechi de Vindecare a Sufletului | Howard G Charing intervievat de Horia Turcanu   [scribd id=226709900 key=key-3cu7t2VKf7lucltKfv3f mode=scroll]

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Pablo Amaringo’s Foreword to the book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’Pablo Amaringo’s Foreword to the book ‘Plant Spirit Shamanism’

“My most sublime desire, though, is that every human being should begin to put as much attention as he or she can into the knowledge of plants, because they are the greatest healers of all. And all human beings should also put effort into the…

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Ceremonial Chants, Music and Ayahuasca Icaros | Shamans of Peru CD Ceremonial Chants, Music and Ayahuasca Icaros | Shamans of Peru CD

The haunting, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded at ceremonies in the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The chants and icaros have an organic relationship to the medicine plants, and are primarily intended as devotional music for a ceremony. It is equally possible…

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Plant Spirit Shamanism: Paracelsus and the Doctrine of Signatures

Underlying Paracelsus treatise was the premise that nature was itself a living organism which must be considered an expression of “the One Life”, and that man and the universe are the same in their essential nature. Paracelsus introduced in his treatise the Doctrine of Signatures,…

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Moses and Hallucinogens – Plant Spirit Shamanism from the Bible

Moses and Hallucinogens:  Plant Spirit Shamanism from the Bible The worldwide media interest in Benny Shanon‘s paper about Moses and entheogens, is encouraging us to take a good and hard look at the roots of religions and the notion they were based on fertility cults, and…

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Plant Spirit Shamanism: Developing and Exploring Your Connection to the Spirit of Plants

[scribd id=109603753 key=key-8pnt3x66ek30j6jjod4 mode=scroll]

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Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul – Book Extract

  Plant Spirit Shamanism with a foreword by Pablo Amaringo  takes readers into realms that defy rational logic and scientific theory, showing graphically that we humans are not the only intelligent life on this planet. From their extensive travels to indigenous cultures that understand life…

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Ayahuasca Icaros of the Shipibo

Ícaro: The word ícaro comes from the Quechua word icarai, meaning “to blow.” Ícaros are magical chants that are sung or whistled by shamans during Ayahuasca ceremonies. There are several kinds of ícaros. At the beginning of a ceremony their purpose is to provoke the…

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Encounter With an Amazonian Ayahuasca Shaman

[scribd id=83181747 key=key-1x2i4v71xkv7d024qbnw mode=list] The Ayahuasca article with an interview of the shaman Javier Arevalo by Howard G Charing & Peter Cloudsley appeared in ‘Healing Today’ Magazine August 2001. The article was published with its original title and without the girls in bikinis and serenading guitar…

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Medicinal and Shamanic Plants of the Amazon – my Photo Gallery on Flickr

Medicinal and Shamanic Plants of Peru, a set on Flickr. I’ve been adding more photos from the archives.

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