[scribd id=82541524 key=key-a5urim15rqbubt3b6pr mode=list] Sacred Hoop Magazine – Review of the Shamans of Peru: Sacred Chants, Icaros, and Ceremonial Music CD. Reviewed in Issue 36, Spring 2002
[scribd id=82541524 key=key-a5urim15rqbubt3b6pr mode=list] Sacred Hoop Magazine – Review of the Shamans of Peru: Sacred Chants, Icaros, and Ceremonial Music CD. Reviewed in Issue 36, Spring 2002
Various Artists | Shamans of Peru | CD Baby. The haunting, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded at ceremonies in the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The chants and icaros have an organic relationship to the medicine plants, and are primarily intended as…
Shamans of Peru – MP3 Download from the Web The beautiful, plaintive music of Peruvian shamans was recorded at ceremonies in the Andean mountains and the Amazon rainforest. The chants and icaros have an organic relationship to the medicine plants, and are primarily intended as…
Shamans of Peru, a set on Flickr. A Photo Gallery of some of the Peruvian Shamans that we have worked with over the years.
[slideshare id=11559238&doc=shipibo-ayahuasca-shamans-120214033626-phpapp02&type=d] Interviews with three Shipibo Shamans, Benjamin Ochavano, Leoncio Garcia, and Enrique Lopez by Howard G Charing and Peter Cloudsley
[scribd id=80916321 key=key-te3r41t069yfl1foozl mode=list] Benjamin Ochavano Is a traditional Shipibo Muraya .He is in his late eighties, and his chants (icaros) sung in the Shipibo language are extraordinary beautiful and with a powerful and extensive vocal range. Note: This interview was with Peter Cloudsley and…
[slideshare id=11408414&doc=interviewwithayahuascashamanartidoro-120203134637-phpapp01&type=d] Ayahuasca Shaman – Artidoro Aro Cardenas Interviewed By Howard G Charing and Peter Cloudsley (2003) This interview has been revised to include plant classification names. An extract from this interview appeared in the book Plant Spirit Shamanism (Destiny Books USA).
This stone is forged in space and brought down to earth when summoned by the sumiruna (the highest grade of shaman) for initiating his disciples in voyaging to other galaxies. The sumirunas below are learning how to receive spiritual fire and how to withstand extreme…
[scribd id=46544001 key=key-1v1g4omqgamkbbk55xrk mode=list]
Saturday 22nd October 7pm at Copperfield’s Book Store a presentation of the book ‘The Ayahuasca Visions of Pablo Amaringo’ by co-author Howard G Charing. http://copperfieldsbooks.com/event/howard-charing http://www.amazon.com/Howard-G.-Charing/e/B002IP765W/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1